The TAN75A is a high power COMMON BASE bipolar transistor. It is designed for pulsed systems in the frequency band 960-1215 MHz. The device has gold thin-film metallization and diffused ballasting for proven highest MTTF. The transistor includes input and output prematch for broadband capability. Low thermal resistance package reduces junction temperature, extends life.
關(guān)鍵屬性 |
價(jià)值 |
Frequency Range : Minimum Frequency |
960 MHz |
Frequency Range : Maximum Frequency |
1215 MHz |
P1dB |
Gain |
8.5 dB |
Pout |
80 W |
Test signal |
CW |
Power Added Efficiency |
40 % |
Supply Voltage |
50 VDC |
Thermal Resistance |
0.6 °C/W |
Package Type |
55AZ | |